I was asked bythe Energy Hub to list the things that annoy me in corporate life. Here are a few that sprung readily to mind!
Phony claims that ‘people are our greatest asset’ just before making them redundant
Massive blockages in the uptake and usage of technology because IT people want to control everything and when you challenge them they invoke ‘security’ to shut you up.
Cultures that talk innovation and deliver control
The total failure to understand what creativity means in an organisation
Failure to recognise that ‘listening’ is now a key leadership competence along with asking the right people the right questions.
Organisations that think that they have all the answers by looking inside only.
Small but infuriating examples of unethical behaviour by big Corporates that have large impressive Corporate Social Responsibility websites and reports.
Trying to do business in an environment where noone trusts anyone else.
Some of these may find there way into Business 550 in an expanded form.