I was lucky enough to be invited by Bersin Associates to an international on-line and telephone conference last night. Lucky in that I was able to participate, not so lucky that it started at 4pm CET, which is midnight here in Melbourne. So up till 1.30 am talking and clicking and then wide awake for another hour with all the points buzzing around my head.
As a small group, we were pretty demanding on what we wanted from e-learning and one of the West coast US particpants asked if European attitudes were harder and more critical than US where the parallel group had been less outspoken and more tolerant. Pause for reflection.
The answer is no! There is no great US/Europe divide. Just demanding people trying to deliver a quality learning experience for their people and a perception that learners are increasingly fed up with poor navigation, electronic page turning and uninspiring, passive content. And my two colleagues: from B&Q and Reuters don’t just talk about it they deliver on it.