Another week goes by with out a post. I feel very guilty but have the excuse of flu, and a trip to Bendigo on Monday and Tuesday. The main reason for going was to visit the Archibald prize exhibition which has moved, for one year only, outside Melbourne to a country town gallery and the one chosen was Bendigo. It is a celebrated annual prize for the best Australian portrait painting.
Great goldrush town with lots of Victorian splendour left and a beautiful art gallery as well. The judges winner was the one painting I did not like at all. Del Kathryn Barton self portrait with her two children. The popular winner in Sydney (last location) was a moody, evocation of Heath Ledger by Vincent Fantauzzo. No surprise that it got picked both for subject and execution. I voted for my choice, and any one of four or five could have made it. But I went for a stunning portrait of John Farriss (in a Kylie t-shirt) by Anthony Bennett . The exhibition finishes on Sunday and moves back to NSW. Such a great little show in a great little location. You can see all the finalist paintings here.