I am loath to winge on about the commitment required to write a Blog on a regular basis. My aim is one new entry every few days and there are swathes of time when I manage this. At other times a week or more can pass and I am often stunned when the last posting dates stare back at me. How can all that time have elapsed! I have let everybody down.
I was interested to see that Ian O’Connor;, the Vice Chancellor of Griffith University, has started his own Blog that replaces his monthly newsletter to staff. It kicks off with a flourish on 14th May and he promises to write regularly (defined as once a month). There is even a comment on his first piece that remains unanswered. But where is Blog 2? Nowhere to be seen. And it is already four days late. Not a promising start.
I bet the monthly email was prepared elsewhere and Ian’s role was to edit and add a sentence or two. A Blog on the other hand is deeply personal and should speak with the writer’s voice so being written by someone else rarely works. But finding the time and discipline to post regularly is also problematic and a hard habit to acquire particularly when you have a few pressures from your main role!
I really hope that Ian O’Connor will not add his illustrious name to the millions of Blogs around the world that post twice and are silent, as a Vice Chancellor’s Blog is an excellent idea and offers a unique perspective. Now you have build up our expectations, us hungry ones need feeding. Keep it going Ian, it is more helpful, less intrusive and a better form of communicaiton than the whole staff email. All credit to you for kicking the whole thing off.