I noticed with horror that it is some 13 days since my last post. That is probably the longest ever! Apologies. I will do my bet not to let it happen again. I was teaching on the CLO Doctoral Program at Wharton/GSE in the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. A fabulous week of debate and ideas. And then back in Australia I took a few days off walking in the Otways. And here I am 13 days later. The Otways was another location with no internet access; that is the second time in Australia. It is a strange, slightly disquieting experience where even mobiles (especially Vodafone AU) work only sporadically. So cut off is cut off. Plenty of time to wonder about the world but virtually none to connect with it. It is okay for a bit but also slightly disconcerting. Glad to be back to even Telstra’s rubbish connection. I pay for an 8 mgbt line and yesterday I was hovering around 250kbt. A mere 32nd of what I have paid for but of course the small print says: ‘actual speed will depend ona number of factors….’ Yardy ya!