Martyn Sloman – he of CIPD Training Adviser fame- has been turning his gaze to evaluation issues. He thinks that the Kirkpatrick model should be quietly buried and replaced by something more fit for purpose in this new century and he has commissioned the Univeristy of Portsmouth Business School to lead on a study to consider new approaches for evaluation.
He continues:
‘in recent years there has been a shift in focus from training to learning. There has been more emphasis on lesss formal and directive ways in which employees acan acquire relevant knowledge and skills. Learning has become more diffuse throughout the organisation and less dependent on a distinct event or activity…’ __
I have noticed exactly the same trend. It would be good to track this. Is it 100% of companies moving in this direction or only 10%? I even know of one company where a new T and D person has decided that the only valid development is a training course and is pulling everything backwards but I hope that this is an aberation rather than a trend!