Leadership development is about changing behaviour. Leadership is not about building bridges over streams or having a good conversation about the seven Ss from McKinsey, or whatever it might be. Models work when the circumstances and the critical factors are known. The problem is that people equate packages and models with the essence of leadership development.
If you ask people if they enjoy leadership development, a very high percentage will say it is illuminating, and that they really enjoyed it. The problem is that no commitments emerged that would fundamentally change the behaviour of the participants. And in my mind, in my model, if behaviour doesn’t change, you’ve wasted your money, and the development process has changed nothing.
Not many people want to acknowledge that, because they invested a lot of money in the programmme and because leadership development is high stakes. If you do not permanently change people’s behaviour, having a good discussion or learning about various models, isn’t going to help.
The conversation that we’ve got to have is what needs to change permanently in you, and in your organization to help solved some of the contemporary challenges? When you begin to turn the organization, you feel that your impact is positive and tangible.
That’s why Matt Richter and I have developed a leadership capability series designed to encourage behaviour change. We will provide you with tools that you can use immediately and facilitate peer discussions on their impact.
Find our more about the Building Leadership Capability Series here https://ldaccelerator.com/workshops/blcs