Consider sitting down regularly with some of your colleagues and reflect on what is working and what problems the organization needs to resolve. And agree with no exceptions on a course of action that will try to ameliorate those problems. Admit if this doesn’t work or when it makes a massive difference. For most leaders, the more senior you are, the more isolated you become. So when, for example, you become director of marketing, there is a tendency to focus on marketing rather than on the entire business gamut. However, as a leadership team, every aspect of the organization is important, and you have to make decisions for the whole organization. The logic applies to all of the executive heads. They will be more effective working together.
Leadership is holistic. A good leader talks to colleagues regularly in order to resolve the common challenges the organization faces. And every functional director has challenges in common with her colleagues. It is always beneficial to work on those challenges together; and if you can do that you stand the best chance of resolving them and, therefore, moving the entire organization forward. In this current, unsettled and uncertain climate that’s a really big deal.
That’s why Matt Richter and I have developed a leadership capability series designed to encourage behaviour change. We will provide you with tools that you can use immediately and facilitate peer discussions on their impact.
Find our more about the Building Leadership Capability Series here.